You Hold The Key To Your Health.

Chat with me and take the first step to unlock transformation and achieve health

with a holistic, mind, body, and soul approach.

Relationships, Home-Life and Spirituality

Relationships, home-life and Spirituality are three important pillars to well-being and health. In our sessions we will focus not only on the food on your plate, but will take a holistic approach to achieve health by also taking a deep look into relationships, home-life and spirituality. You will be empowered to be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships. Toxic relationships or home-life as well as a lack of spiritual connection, faith or belief system, such as a personal relationship to God could be overall affecting your health. Balancing and addressing these areas may just be your key to achieving health for your body and your soul! I will walk alongside you every step of the way. Whether it is healing from the past or make a change for the future, you will not travel this journey alone.


Education, Career and Finances

How content are you with your current education level? Is there something you have always wanted to do, that you have put off or did not have the confidence to attempt to accomplish? Do you love your job? Are you one of those who can truly say they love what they do and therefore feel like they never work a day in their lives? Or- do you loathe your job and dread your day from the minute your alarm forces you out of bed in the morning? And then there are Finances. Money, when there is a lack of, can add a huge burden of stress to your life, which in turn can burden your well-being and health. Do you struggle with basic budgeting or spending? If so, all of this could be affecting your health in ways you never imagined. Sometimes minor adjustments can make the world of difference and sometimes a huge change is in order. Either way, your goals are where my heart will be and I will empower you to reach them and walk along side of you, as you achieve them.

Physical Activity, Home-Cooking and Health

Home-Cooking and Physical Activity can have an impact on your well-being and quality of life just as much as the state of your health can. Exercise is just as important as the time and attention you put into nourishing your body with food. Not all exercise needs to take place in a gym setting or on a spin bike. You don’t need to be able to do a back bend or bench press a certain weight. Exercise, like food is bio-individual. One diet does not work for every single person just as one exercise routine is not the perfect fit for everyone. Some respond well to high- energy exercise like Kick-boxing, spinning or running, while others respond well to gentle exercise, pilates or a walk on the beach. The key is to listen to your body and pay close attention to how certain movements and certain foods affect you and make adjustments. It’s not always easy to do alone and having a coach to guide, support and encourage you along the way could be the key to success you have been looking for. Poor health can come about from many factors including genetics, environmental causes, current behaviors or even past or childhood trauma. Getting to the root cause of health issues is the key to true healing, and my commitment to you.


Social Life, Creativity and Joy

In order to have ultimate and true health, you must have balance through out the 12 pillars that act as your foundation. Social Life, Creativity and Joy are three of those pillars that must be balanced. It is a basic human need to have social interaction and friendships. Different people serve different purposes in our lives and no two friendships will be identical. The important thing is to cultivate those relationships, cherish and nourish them. Creativity can come in many forms and you don’t have to be able to paint like Van Gogh or Picasso in order to be balanced in the area of creativity. There are many ways to explore creativity in life, that may not involve art at all. Last, but certainly not least, is Joy. What brings you joy? Joy is also bio-individual just as the other pillars of life are. What brings you joy may not bring someone else joy. The important thing is that you are able to recognize and create joy in your life. It’s one of the key elements to your health and happiness and will fill up your soul. Let it overflow!